Listen to me

Podcasts, videos and interviews on various topics in the field of the psychology of being.

Only when I know myself and accept who I am can I grow
Zuzka Matuščáková and I talked about the importance of self-knowledge and self-acceptance for the podcast “Nevyhoreni”.
Little and big lies
Ivan Ježík and I talked about the psychology of lying, about why, when and how we lie to others and maybe even to ourselves. You will learn that there is no lie like a lie, what is false authenticity, how to react when someone lies to us and why even a lie detector is not reliable.
Can positive thinking be dangerous?
We talked with Vavi Sedílek (founder of OZ Chuť Žiť) about what toxic positivity is. What is the difference between healthy positive thinking and toxic positivity and how we can be more positive and better help those around us.
About deep conversations and building closeness. How to listen well and be there for others?
Again with Zuzka Matuščáková, this time on the importance of deep listening as a basic tool for building satisfying relationships.
Praising an employee who worked 14 hours is a very bad benchmark for the whole team
For Slovak Business Agency we talked about resilience and setting boundaries in performance-oriented work.
Desire for your own perfection
The girls from the “Skupinová Terapia” podcast invited me to participate in their conversation on the topic of responsibility, guilt, shame, and personal integrity in relationships. We laughed quite a bit, despite the fact that the topic relates to lived and profound situations in almost all of our lives.
Man is the only creature that does not listen to his body when it asks for rest
For the “Všeobecne o zdraví” podcast, Evička Peterová and I talked about how to allow time for yourself, how to be kinder to yourself, and how to listen more to your body when it asks for rest.